Somos las Hijas de la Madre Tierra, la Yuka y el Zemi Bendecida por el abuelo Guei (Sol) nazidas del vientre de Atabeira Itibakahubaba nuestra madre Tierra.Explore nuestro mundo. Bienvenidas/dos a nuestro ciberespacio disfruten del viaje. Antes de salir, visite nuestras páginas, consulte nuestros enlaces e inicie sesión para seguirnos. Por último, nos encantaría saber de ti. Que tengas un momento maravilloso.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A message from the Bohio.

The Bohio Grandmothers are making this clarifying statement to continue important work in 2018.

If you ask for advice on personal issues, you will receive advice, and it will be given to you with love and respect. Note that advice is never forced on you or anyone.

So it is that advice whether you agree with it or not is up to you to accept, refuse, and/or take action on.

The Bohio is not responsible for your actions when it comes to your life choices (choosing a partner, job concerns, financial issues, or other life events). We always will gladly help any one of you sort things out when and if you ask or seek our help. 
However we do so keeping always in mind the wisdom and the voices of the ancestors in our hearts.

Defending ourselves as women and being sisters does not mean we now have to submerged ourselves in the confusing turmoil of personal decisions some make when choosing a partner, job, financial obligations, or other life events, nor should the commitment to the work of the Bohio suffer.

In all our years in this movement, we have seen many groups break up and their good work ignored because of issues people have that have nothing to do with the commitment to the work needed to rebuild our communities and or the efforts to unify our people .

Note the Bibis will say here and now: 

This will NOT happen to this Bohio !!! 
We work together to create and rebuild our communities.
We help when asked and will give advice, but fixing personal problems is not our main focus. 
We have far too much work ahead of us especially on the islands to stop and have to regroup each time someone has a problem of their own making.
We also try to bring healing and teaching ceremonies to as many of you as we can.
But it is very disheartening to say the least when

# 1 - More often then not the ceremonies are disrespected ,ignored and/or rarely attended.
# 2 - Interest in the work comes last.
# 3 - Promises made before the fire are easily disregarded and/or broken each time a personal issue is in the mix.

So from today onward with much love and respect for all of you... Know this 

1-That if you seek our counsel and you ask for it, you also must accept responsibility for your decisions, and the outcomes of those decisions.

2-We ask that you please think and reflect before you make a promise before the fire of the ancestors in sacred ceremony. Do not take an oath that you will not honor nor accept sacred ceremonial items connected to that oath. If you do accept sacred items connected to a  sacred oath they must be returned when you are no longer keeping that promise.

3-We ask you do not drag the Bohio into disharmonious ,disrespectful arguments and conflicts / issues that really are of your own doing.

4- If you want a ceremony, be it Moon, naming, teachings or otherwise, ask any one of the grandmothers and or the council.
Be aware that if you make the request you must also make all the arrangements, give the respected offerings, and assume all the expenses. Bohio and/or its Grandmothers will no longer absorb all the costs and/or preparations for ceremonies unless we choose to do so.

5- Bohio will do NO SACRED teachings online.

6-If you receive a public invite to participate in any Bohio collective work, and/or choose to be part of any event we sponsor, you must honor the time schedule and rules set by our council. 
If you receive a personal or private invite to one of our events etc an acknowledgement and or timely response from the recipient /recipients needs to be sent to the council as it helps us manage activities in a good and timely way.

7-Any and all info you need from now on with respect to our work /events etc you must take the time to obtain the info from our postings on any of our pages.
Individual emails and or messages will no longer be sent out especially for general public events.

8 -The name of the Bohio is not to be used without our council's consent. 

9 - Bohio will not interfere in your personal and/or other community involvements without your permission and we ask the same from each and everyone of you who chooses to be in the Bohio Atabei women's circle.

10- Involvement with the Bohio is totally voluntary and open to all Taino women to join.
But know our grandmother's circle makes all final decisions when it comes to the work of the Bohio we ask that this above all be respected.

11-Please respect all copy-write laws when sharing and or posting.

12- Lastly Bohio Atabei reserves the right to work with persons, groups and organizations of our own choosing regardless of gender , sexual orientation or tribal nation and we will not tolerate any type of discriminatory language and or adverse actions against our members and or persons we work with.

May we move forward in 2018 with love, respect, and wisdom

Bohio Atabei Grandmothers. 💗Love to all of you in the Spirit of Our Ancestors Seneko Kakona .

         Think native walk in balance ✊ 
Bohio of Atabei is a proud member organization of the UCTP
              Moving forward for our people  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Han Han Katu- Seneko Kakona, I agree 100%
Mia Rosario
Hibi D"Aniki (Pure Heart)